I always read Newsweek, not cause i like it but because i need to hear both sides of the spectrum, and when i opened up and saw way too much of the other side! They always say they are not liberal but this weeks issue, and front page titled: "The Religious Case for Gay Marriage" was completely out of line. I know a lot of my viewers are not religious you dont need to be, it ok to have other religions too be Jewish, Muslim, or an alien it is really ok. But this mockery of the Bible i found in Newsweek was ugly and uncalled for! They took the Bible out of context and painted a picture of the Bible that simply is not there! I often get misquoted and called "the mean gay rights hating Bible man" well ill get it straight here I dont and wont ever support Gay Marriage, i want to preserve marriage as it is defined in the Bible between a man and a women, but i do support civil unity. Im not saying gays are not people, but this is nothing compared to the civil rights fight and any other fight! I believe everything in the Bible im a Christan, I believe Jesus Christ wasn't just some good Jewish guy it was the one died for our sins. When Newsweek stated:"A mature view of scriptural authority requires us, as we have in the past, to move beyond literalism. The Bible was written for a world so unlike pour own, its impossible to apply its rules, at face value, to ours." This is simply an idiotic statement, and i find it,and many other Christians, offencive. Or when Newsweek implied that Jonathan and David,close friends, were gay and that the might have had gay sex, which i not only find disgusting but its completely untrue and disrespects David a great Bible hero! Overall i think Newsweek needs to shut down, or cause they wont do that at least fire Lisa Miller! Lisa Miller i hope has written her last article. In all respect to free-speech i do believe its true but if Newsweek wants to show their unbias then fire her ass and show that Newsweek wont put up with this behavior! I am appalled at how the media can go on a murder spree on Christianity and not get any "checks" by the people! This country was and is based on Christian values, and even John Adams warned " Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." soo if atheists try to establish their realm in politics it is "un-American". But we also have separation of church and state, i believe we must maintain this but atheist have made hating God a religion and i believe they have the right to their opinion but not to voice their opinion though casting out religious people out of politics! We must stand strong in our religion whatever it might be. GOD bless America.